
OUR PRIVACY POLICY (hereinafter referred to as this site) is committed to protecting the privacy of our online visitors. We strive to offer our visitors the many advantages of Internet technology and to provide an interactive and personalized experience. We may use personally identifiable information (your name, e-mail address, street address, telephone number) subject to the terms of this privacy policy. We will NEVER sell, barter, or rent your email address to any unauthorized third party, Period.

We collect information from online visitors who ask to be on our newsletter mailing list and/or receive periodic email announcements. Anyone who wishes can choose to be removed from our mailing list at any time.

All online visitor data collected by this site is protected against unauthorized access. We will not sell, trade, or give your personal information to other companies or organizations.

How we gather information from users:

How we collect and store information depends on the page you are visiting, the activities in which you elect to participate and the services we provide. For example, you may be asked to provide information when you register for access to certain portions of our site or request certain features, such as newsletters or when you make a purchase.

You may provide information when you participate in sweepstakes and contests, message boards and chat rooms, and other interactive areas of our site. Like most Web sites, this site also collects information automatically and through the use of electronic tools that may be transparent to our visitors. For example, we may log the name of your Internet Service Provider or use cookie technology to recognize you and hold information from your visit. Among other things, the cookie may store your user name and password, sparing you from having to re-enter that information each time you visit, or may control the number of times you encounter a particular advertisement while visiting our site.

As we adopt additional technology, we may also gather information through other means. In certain cases, you can choose not to provide us with information, for example by setting your browser to refuse to accept cookies, but if you do you may be unable to access certain portions of the site or may be asked to re-enter your user name and password, and we may not be able to customize the site’s features according to your preferences.

What we do with the information we collect:

Like other Web publishers, we collect information to enhance your visit and deliver more individualized content and advertising. We respect your privacy and do not share your information with anyone.

Aggregated Information (information that does not personally identify you) may be used in many ways. For example, we may combine information about your usage patterns with similar

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